We don’t all live in Bloomington, IN and therefore you can’t always work with me. If you are looking for a coach to help with individualized programming or video review, I offer the internet’s most personalized remote coaching.
Most online coaches deliver a program that they say is “personalized” but is sent to 100’s of other athletes online. Our remote coaching program is written for you by me , and delivered just for you.
Is Remote Coaching Right For Me?
If you are a person who:
- cannot locate an Olympic weightlifting coach local to you;
- has very specific athletic or weightlifting goals;
- would like individualized programming for Olympic-style weightlifting or weightlifting biased strength & conditioning;
- would like to gain a better understanding, or coaching acuity with the snatch, clean & jerk and other related lifts;
- enjoys the accountability and attention received from working with a coach